AVS Theme Song
AVS Theme Song “Let's Dream Together”
To commemorate the golden jubilee, AVS is honored to have Mr Warren Mok, MH, celebrated tenor to perform the AVS theme song “Let's Dream Together” to inspire more citizens to volunteer for building a caring community. It is the first original Cantonese song of Mr Mok, which is composed, arranged and produced by famous pianist, Mr Phoebus Chan, and authored by Mr Wong Ho Lam and Ms Chan Hoi Suet.
Lyrics (Chinese Version Only)
尋意義 覓愛善 一同忘掉自私
* 共讚頌
宏愛景象 幫助貧窮疾苦
非牟利全力為社會 劃世紀
風雨同路 美舉廣傳多好
五十寒暑 永未變遷
^ 總有迷霧 靠兩手添愛修補
五十寒暑 永未停止
* 齊心創美夢
^ 城市關愛盡見
協力挽手 繼續並肩 全心作貢獻
心已忘倦 困苦作為鍛練
努力發展 奮力揚鞭 再下前路也互勉